about drew

Welcome to Drew's Morning Dish, Baltimore's only daily sports blog that covers local and national stories of interest, produced and written by longtime Charm City sports radio host Drew Forrester. #DMD publishes new content daily by 9 a.m.

Forrester has spent his entire adult life in and around sports. From 1981 through 1998, he was in the professional indoor soccer business, starting as a public relations assistant for the Blast and rising to the position of General Manager for both the Blast and Spirit clubs in Baltimore. In 2000, Forrester started his own company, Maryland Golf Live, Inc., which focused on golf promotions and marketing, then moved into the sports talk radio business in 2012 as the host of a morning show in Baltimore.

He kicked off Drew's Morning Dish on August 25, 2014, providing daily commentary on the Ravens, Orioles, Terps, Capitals, local college sports and the PGA Tour. Averaging roughly 3,500 visitors per-day throughout the first eight months of the site's existence, Drew's Morning Dish finished in the top 5 of four categories in The Sun's 2014 "Mobbie Awards", including Best New Blog, Best Sports Blog, and Best City Blog.

Drew at Masters Tournament in 2015

With over 6,000 Twitter followers and Facebook friends, Forrester's website has quickly become a daily staple for the ardent sports fans of Baltimore. In addition to writing about sports, Drew has created a unique sports travel component to the #DMD brand, taking football fans to Ravens playoff games, hockey fans to Hershey and Philadelphia, and golf enthusiasts to Augusta National for a Masters practice round.

"We're trying to do something no one else in Baltimore does," Forrester says. "There's a reason to visit the website every single day. The content and opinions are fresh and honest. I'm from Baltimore. I want the home teams to win, for sure, but I also report on the games and players without favor or bias. If they play well, I write that. If they don't, I write that, too. All in all, Drew's Morning Dish is the place you go for Baltimore sports news sprinkled in with any national stories of interest."

Corporate partners in support of Forrester can be found throughout the Dish. It's a great way to reach a sports-specific audience at a fraction of the cost of sports radio, newspaper or magazine advertising. "Our corporate partners are there because of the connection we provide between the reader and the site," Forrester claims. "It's my job to make sure they're marketed with enthusiasm and reliability. Literally every single corporate partner you see on the site is a company or product that I've personally know and have used."

If you're interested in marketing with Drew's Morning Dish, you can reach out to Drew directly: 18inarow at gmail dot com.