If you own or manage a Baltimore- or Maryland-based business and your quest for increasing sales includes reaching sports enthusiasts, Drew's Morning Dish offers a wide array of affordable, flexible and productive marketing options.

It starts with our fresh daily content, which separates #DMD from most other sports-related websites in the market. Every weekday and weekend, there is new, extensive coverage of Baltimore, Maryland and national sports at #DMD.

#DMD readers are loyal, as indicated by a 2017 survey in which 67% of those responding said they read #DMD every day!

Your #DMD marketing partnership includes a rotating (per-click) 250x250 ad and your company's website link every day at #DMD [see the ads on the right side of this page – each changes its position every time the page is loaded or refreshed], plus an 850x220 banner image placed within main content that runs approximately once every five days.

Additionally, all #DMD partners receive promotional mentions in The Juice, the daily podcast at #DMD.

Through your partnership with #DMD, you and your company's employees, vendors and clients have access to various trips and special events that are planned and executed by Drew's Morning Dish on a monthly basis throughout the year.

#DMD's growing social-media presence is also a way for your company to promote its products and services. With one push of the "send" button on Twitter, for example, #DMD can promote your company to nearly 3,000 followers!!

Affordable: #DMD is a cost-efficient way to spread your company's message. We'll never bust your budget or break the bank! We're fairly priced and flexible with your billing needs.

Flexible: #DMD can create all of your ads with no additional charge and, best of all, you can change your ads whenever you want! Run one set of ads for a month, change them up to something else the next month! We publish your new ads within 24 hours of your request for change.

Productive: #DMD gets results. We provide monthly updates to our corporate partners and provide detailed website-traffic information, click-through data and anything else of substance that shows your message is reaching the demographic you've targeted!

You can reach Drew directly to discuss your marketing and advertising options:
